Saturday, November 7, 2009

Genitial Warts More Condition_symptoms Can You Only Get Genitial Warts If You Have Had Sex With Someone Who Had Them?

Can you only get genitial warts if you have had sex with someone who had them? - genitial warts more condition_symptoms

Or are there other ways?
Thank you.


Agrippina the Younger said...

Or, if you stick a frog pants. Seriously, if you ever have any medical issues in the future, I, it is clear that schools teach abstinence only sex mixed classes of yesteryear. But to get to your question in the only kind of answer to genital warts, if your skin comes into contact with the skin of someone who has genital warts. Can (can you forgive the expression) dry humping with genital warts country, even in the absence of actual dissemination.

sam a said...

I think it is ..........

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